Guidelines for farm-specific or crop-specific rules for mitigating pesticides impacts while ensuring sustainable agriculture


A LIFE project

What is Agrowise?

The Agrowise project is a part of the "LIFE Program" with the objective of providing guidelines to each member state for implementing the Sustainable Use Directive (SUD) rules at the farm? or crop? level. This project takes part in the "Farm to Fork strategy" which aims to achieve a 50% reduction in chemical pesticide? use by 2030.

Led by the French Institute "INRAE", this eighteen-month project brings together research organizations from 8 European countries. The project will collect, harmonize, and propose scientifically-backed methods and strategies of plant protection?  to reduce pesticide? use and risks for various crops?. The guidelines will promote innovative approaches to crop protection? by limiting the use of chemical pesticides? and following Integrated Pest Management (IPM)? principles.


06 November 2024

By: redac

Newsletter #1: Workshops of 24-25 September 2024 in Brussels

What happened at this first meeting with working groups 5.1 and 5.2 involved in the project?
event From 24 Sept. 2024 to 25 Sept. 2024


Meeting : Project presentation and Workshops with members of WP 5 groups 5.1 and 5.2

First 2-day meeting organised by WP 5 with working groups 5.1 (SUD representatives) and 5.2 (experts) for a presentation of the project and its context, and participative workshops.
01 08

Interviews with a sample of members (government representatives from EU member states) of the "SUD" working group in preparation for the September meeting in Brussels. A subgroup of this EU working group will constitute the "group 5.1" in Agrowise project.

11 06

From 11 June 2024 to 13 June 2024


Partner visit #1: Poland

Know more

The INRAE team met the teams from the Polish institutes involved in the project: InHort in Skierniewice and IOR-PIB in Poznań.

The FORTUNA project is a three-year initiative funded by the European Union, started in January 2024. The main objective of FORTUNA is to identify future research challenges within the framework of the European Farm to Fork (F2F) Strategy. This strategy sets forth quantitative targets aiming to decrease the overall use and risk of chemical pesticides by 50%, as well as to reduce the use of more hazardous pesticides by 50% before the year 2030. They published their first Newletter. Check it here !

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